“The Power of Energy Management: Lessons from Life, Work, and Growth”

 In Books, Business, Education, Goals, Health, Horse, Lifestyle
I remember walking up the stairs at the radio station where I worked. I looked at the General Manager and said, “Sorry I was late this morning.” He looked back at me and said, “I don’t pay you for your time; I pay you for your talent.”

Those words have stayed with me for 24 years.

Around that same time, Clear Channel bought our company. We were merging eight distinct cultures, navigating internal politics I had never experienced, and uprooting everything we knew to adapt to a “new normal” in the world of radio.

True to form, when the ground beneath me shifts, I turn to my trusted resources: books. One book that profoundly impacted me during that period was The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz.

This book taught me about the power of energy management. I already knew I absorbed other people’s energy and had learned how to ward off others’ energy. But this book took that knowledge to another level. It showed me how to balance my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy to maximize performance, health, and happiness.

Last year, I dusted off this book as I found myself working seven days a week, feeling like I was swimming upstream, and asking myself, How am I spending my energy?

Key Concepts from The Power of Full Engagement:

  1. Energy Management Over Time Management
    Time is finite, but energy is renewable. Effectively managing energy leads to higher productivity, fulfillment, and joy.
  2. Four Dimensions of Energy:
    • Physical: Build and replenish energy through sleep, nutrition, exercise, and intentional rest.
    • Emotional: Cultivate positive emotions like gratitude and joy to sustain resilience.
    • Mental: Focus on clear priorities, eliminate distractions, and train your attention.
    • Spiritual: Align actions with purpose and values to create deeper meaning and engagement.
  3. Rituals for Renewal:
    Create daily habits that consistently replenish energy. Whether it’s regular breaks, eating mindfully, or engaging in meaningful activities, rituals are key.
  4. Oscillation:
    Work in focused, intense intervals (sprints) followed by intentional recovery, much like an athlete’s training.
  5. The Performance Pyramid:
    Energy builds from the bottom up—starting with physical energy as the foundation, then emotional, mental, and finally, spiritual energy.
  6. Stress as a Catalyst:
    Stress, when paired with recovery, can expand capacity and build resilience, much like muscles grow after being challenged.
  7. Purpose as Fuel:
    A clear sense of purpose provides the ultimate energy source, driving motivation and fulfillment.

Practical Applications:

  • Design rituals to incorporate rest and recovery into your daily life.
  • Align tasks with your natural energy levels and mental focus.
  • Cultivate positive emotions like gratitude and optimism to sustain productivity.
  • Align your goals with your core values and purpose to stay fully engaged and energized.

This book blends insights from psychology, performance coaching, and real-world case studies, offering a practical framework for transforming how we approach work, relationships, and well-being. It’s a game-changer for anyone looking to enhance their energy, focus, and life satisfaction.

Reflection: Managing My Energy

Now, in my role at Amen Clinics, I often tell my colleagues, “I manage my energy.” This means I consciously choose how and where to invest my time and thoughts. I only focus on what is productive and aligned with where we—both as individuals and as an organization—are going and growing.

So, how are you managing your energy? Are there things in your life that you need to let go of or eliminate because they are no longer serving the greater good?

Managing energy isn’t just about performance; it’s about living intentionally, purposefully, and with balance. What steps will you take today to ensure you’re investing your energy wisely?

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