Flattering To Your Figure
The topic of conversation this week has been self-esteem, and it made me think about how we talk to ourselves.
Self-talk is so important, and it can be beneficial or detrimental to our overall well-being, depending on your choice of words. For example, when Sara, Kevin’s daughter, first moved in with us, she was at that crucial age – fourteen.
She was starting her freshman year in high school. We’ve all been there, and oh how my heart ached for her.
I was in the kitchen making breakfast and she comes strolling in and says, “Lisa, do I look fat in this?” I quickly said, “Oh honey we don’t say that in this household. We say, ‘Is this flattering to my figure?’”
She tilted her head with a little look like, huh… I explained to her that we all are made up of different shapes and sizes, and it is up to us to choose the clothes that will be most flattering to our figures.
Her particular outfit just happened to be flattering to her figure and I shared with her the reasons why.
So, the morning ritual changed to Sara strolling into the kitchen to ask, “Lisa, is this flattering to my figure?” I would reply with, yes or no, and explain, “Honey, with your body type you need… etc, etc,etc.
Developing our self-esteem is a lifelong journey. It doesn’t matter if you are 14, 50 or 75. We are constantly moving through our life cycles, and each cycle can be filled with growth spurts or growing pains.
What we choose to do as we continue to develop our self-esteem will become most important.
How are you talking to yourself?
Are you choosing words that help you continue to develop your self-esteem?
What does self esteem mean to you?
If you’re a parent, what are you doing to build your child’s self-esteem?
What tools and resources do you need to continue strengthening your development?
One of my favorite resources is a book entitled, You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay. This has been a resource I have referred to over and over for the past 20 years and has served me well. It has been such a gift to me; I have passed this gift on to many others over the years.
How are you going to talk to yourself today? Will you say, “Is this flattering to my figure? Is what I’m doing flattering to who I am?”
Cheers to you! And here’s to creating a Flattering-to-My-Figure kinda life!