Dating Myself

 In Dating

While in spin class this morning my mind went to a text message I received a few months ago. It read, “Are you dating yet”?

My response was, “Heavens NO, I’m dating myself!” 2013 has been just that, a year of dating myself, and it has been one of the best years of my life.

However, what I find fascinating is in the last month I was presented with the opportunity of meeting two different men.

One was an ambush, a set up, and the other, a friend , asked, “Are you interested in meeting a new friend? Just Google him and let me know.” I thought ok I’m always interested in meeting a new friend.

Over the past two weeks I had the pleasure of meeting both of these men. Both were handsome, fun, kind, interesting, had children and we had no problems engaging in conversation.

But the connection I shared with both was totally different.

With one of them I had a deeper spiritual connection, we shared similar life experiences, mind sets, viewpoints, words, music, values, our understanding of the world as we know it now and a desire to create a life of significance.

With the other I had a true connection but he represented habits which were outdated for me.

I had to ask ,“Why all of a sudden after dating myself for the past year are these two men coming into my life at the same time? What is the purpose?”

The answer came to me… one symbolizes what I do want and the other symbolizes what I don’t want. Call it what you will, I call it Divine Intervention.

As I continue preparing my plan for 2014, the theme of dating myself will carry well into the year. It serves me right now.

What will you focus on in 2014- What you do want or what you don’t want? Think about that one…I find it can be tricky.

Just when I think I’m focusing on what I do want, I hear words come out of my mouth which represent what I don’t want. Cheers to you and what you do want in 2014!

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