“Projection is seeing our own traits in another person instead of seeing them in ourselves.” — Carl Jung Have you ever heard the term projection? It’s been popping into my brain a lot [...]
Many people have heard me say, “Working at Amen Clinics is a lot like working at a radio station.” This statement usually earns me a few puzzled looks and a “What are you talking [...]
This morning, during my daily reading, I came across a quote from Steve Jobs: “Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion.” It reminded me of a conversation I [...]
I remember walking up the stairs at the radio station where I worked. I looked at the General Manager and said, “Sorry I was late this morning.” He looked back at me and said, “I don’t pay you [...]
This picture popped up on my phone this morning. This time last year, my brother Mike was in Dallas. I was preparing to go hiking in Big Bend with my friend Gale. Something felt off—I could sense [...]
I remember the first time I heard the phrase, “If you spot it, you got it.” It stopped me in my tracks. The idea was so profound. If I called someone selfish, it meant I needed to turn the mirror [...]